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Interested in spending time outdoors?

Wish to be part of a social movement?

Keen to do something different?


Then join us in this One Night Simulation Programme, where we raise awareness for the homeless in today’s society!







Despite Singapore's progress, from being a third world country to the well-developed city it is today, there is still a group of overlooked by the society - the homeless. This One Night Simulation Programme aims to raise awareness through simulating the actual living conditions of the homeless. 


In addition, we hope to share with participants how factors such as strained family relationships, substance abuse, incurring debts from gambling etc can cause a person to become homeless.


Fun and interesting activities will be played. One of it being the Game of Life! -The First Ever Homeless Edition.


A few homeless individuals will also be invited to share their stories so as to provide participants with an insight to the struggles and challenges of homelessness.


Documentary Screening - 
This documentary will include interviews with social workers and the homeless we communicated with during our night outreach.


As the saying goes, "Homeless is not Hopeless".


One night simulation programme

Programme Flow

1500 - 1600 Registration 

1600 - 1900 Game Of Life, 'Homeless edition'

1900 - 2000 Documentary

2000 - 2100 Debrief

2100 - 2200 Make your own camp

2200 - 0630 Sleeping time

0630 - 0730 Rise & shine/Pack up

0730 - 0800 Departure



Register Here 

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